This page is a collection of notes on various topics. All notes are organized
for easier navigation.
GPUs and Mali
- Bad Style in Mali Utgard Kernel Code
A note regarding a number of bad-style issues in the latest revisions of the
Mali Utgard kernel driver.
- Holy Flash Stick
A story about one interesting bug in the kernel reproduced with a broken USB
flash stick.
- Transparent Compression of GPU Memory (LVEE 2016 Summer
In 2016 I participated in the conference Linux Vacation Eastern Europe, cool
event carried out in the tourist camp Khimik (Grodno Region, Belarus) with a
report on technology for on-the-fly compression of GPU graphical buffers.
- Overview of Microkernel Operating Systems
These slides were prepared by me for a meeting of our local Operating Systems
Club. The goal was to provide an introduction to a microkernel concept and
argue development of a new microkernel operating system.